To have a UNIFORMED group of personnel willing to conduct themselves above and beyond their primary roles as firefighters and leaders and to serve their fallen brother or sister and family in their time of despair and tragedy. Each member will conduct himself or herself in a professional and military fashion that display proper attitude and self discipline according to Honor Guard Standards.
Member Qualifications:
A sworn member of a fire department that has paid their dues to the Kentucky Firefighters Association and will meet the following criteria;
(A) All Honor Guard members must be clean shaven with the exception of a mustache which will be neatly groomed and may be no longer than the corner of the mouth.
(B) All Honor Guard members will keep their hair clean and neatly groomed with the back of the hair not touching the collar and ½” above the ears. Female Honor Guard Members will place their hair in an upright position as not to touch the collar of their uniform.
(C) All Honor Guard members will keep a professional appearance, i.e. No excessive amount of jewelry, males no earrings, members should use proper statuesque.
(D) All members when in uniform and on official business will not use tobacco products of any kind and will not engage in any misconduct or associate or enter any area that may cause discredit to the Kentucky Firefighters Association.
All Honor Guard members will wear the appropriate uniform as defined by the
Kentucky Firefighters Association.
(A) Class A dress red uniform e.g. coat, pants, hat, shoes.
(B) Class A dress red uniform will have only fire department issued accessories as provided by the Kentucky Firefighters Association e.g. badge, collar pins, medals and commendation bars, parade cords, belts, gloves, etc.
(C) Shoes will be high-glossed clarion style with edge dressing applied to soles.
(D) Socks will be black only. Belts will be white only with gold buckle.
(E) Accessories will be placed on uniform as directed by the Committee Chair or other delegate.
(F) All uniforms will be dry-cleaned after each use at the individual’s expense at the designated dry cleaner location and then placed response ready. ‘Check Buttons”. Reimbursement for expense will be placed on the travel voucher.
(G) All metal accessories shall be shined with the appropriate cleaner after placing them on the uniform or handling.
(H) Hats will need covers on them when not in use.
Honor Guard Activation:
The Kentucky Firefighters Association Honor Guard can only be activated by the President or their designee of the Kentucky Firefighters Association. Activation means that a minimum staffing of 4 honor guard members will be sent to the needed location and all expenses of the honor guard will be reimbursed by the Kentucky Firefighters Association Treasurer after the travel voucher has been submitted. At certain times there may be a need to activate more that 4 members as deemed necessary by the Committee Chair. This will have to be cleared with the President or the Executive Director for anytime the amount would exceed 4 members. The maximum amount of honor guard members for any specific event shall not exceed 10 members.
Honor Guard Assignment:
All members assigned to the honor guard will be led by an Officer in Charge of specific details and will carry out the objectives and tasks that have been assigned to them. Members will use the incident command system for this objective.
Flag Protocol:
Guidelines for procedures are presented so that the proper position, manner of display, and respect for the United States Flag and the National Anthem may be displayed by members. The K.F.A shall provide, as to the wishes of the family, a K.F.A, casket flag for the following;
1. Current Executive Board members
2. Past Executive Board members
Flag Policy:
These rules of courtesy will apply at all time, during athletic events, parades, national, state, or city ceremonies, etc. It is not the intent of this policy to suppress the intelligent exercise of any member, nor does it eliminate the duty of all members to protect life and property.
Flag – Member Responsibility
(A) A member who is in uniform and wearing headgear shall stand at attention facing the flag and render a military hand salute during flag-raising and flag-lowering ceremonies and during the playing of the National Anthem.
(B) A member who is in uniform and is not wearing headgear shall stand at attention with the right hand over the heart during flag-raising and flag-lowering ceremonies and during the playing of the National Anthem.
(C) A member who is in civilian clothes will stand at attention with the right hand over the heart during flag raising and flag-lowering ceremonies and during the playing of the National Anthem. Employees in civilian clothes wearing a hat shall remove the hat with the right hand and hold it at the left shoulder with the hand over the heart.
For more information contact:
Charlie Rafferty